Flowchart: Data: IntroductionFlowchart: Data: Definition of ARONFlowchart: Data: Real-Time MediaFlowchart: Data: Capillary Routing


Flowchart: Data: Code and AlgorithmFlowchart: Data: DownloadFlowchart: Data: Last UpdatesFlowchart: Data: Links


Code and Algorithm


The present page contains comments to version ac30 of the code for computing ARON values of the capillary routing layers. In the mean time the code progressed to version ac36 (included in the download page) which has slight changes compared with this one.





param ver symbolic = "ac30";


param T integer, >=1;

param N integer, >=2;


param layers{1..T} default 0;

param pump{t in 1..T, 1..layers[t]};

set BOTTLENECKS{t in 1..T,1..layers[t]} dimen 2;

set PATH{t in 1..T,1..layers[t]} dimen 2;

set INITLINKS{1..T} dimen 2;

param load{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t], (i,j) in PATH[t,l]} >=0;


data dump/path.txt;

The parameter T – number of timeframes; parameter N – number of nodes; parameter layers – number of capillary routing layers for each timeframe; parameter pump – the flow increase factor at every layer of each timeframe; set BOTTLENECKS – the set of bottleneck links of every layer of each timeframe; set PATH – the set of flow’s non-bottleneck path links of every layer of each timeframe; set INITLINKS – the set of ad-hoc true network links for each timeframe; and the parameter load – the relative value of load of all links of every layer for each timeframe; all these parameters and sets are read from the data file dump/path.txt, prepared by the capillary builder capillary.txt.

commands aron-config.txt;


param bottlnum{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} = card(BOTTLENECKS[t,l]);


param incrabs{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} = (if l>=2 then incrabs[t,l-1] else 1)*pump[t,l];


param eps=1e-8;

File aron-config.txt contains parameter M – the number of media packets in the block; parameter DER (stands from Decoding Error Rate) – the permitted probability of decoding failure at the receiver; chunks – the number of chunks over which all timeframes must be evenly broken (ARON performance is computed over all timeframes in a chunk).


Parameter bottlnum contains number of bottlenecks in each layer of a timeframe. Parameter incrabs contains the absolute value of the flow increase factor. This parameter is defined recursively through the pump factor and the incrabs value of the previous layer.

set TC =

# {0} union

# setof{i in 5..3 by -1} round(10^-i,10) union

  setof{i in 0.033..0.08 by 0.003} round(i,10)

    within interval [0,1);

Set TC contains samples of the tolerance values. The value of the tolerance is the percentage of losses (from 0 to 1) permitted at the receiver, at which the incoming media stream is still considered as being useful. Performance of capillary routing is benchmarked under various values of the tolerance of media.

set P =

  TC union

    setof{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]: incrabs[t,l]>1}



    setof{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t],(i,j) in PATH[t,l] diff BOTTLENECKS[t,l]: incrabs[t,l]>1}


Every time due to a network failure there is a p percent loss at the receiver side; thus the sender must adaptively transmit some extra redundancy needed for the compensation of the random loss p at the receiver. The transmission amount as a function from p will be used through a pre-computed table. Set P contains all values of p (from 0 to 1), for which this function must be pre-computed. Loss may occur due to failure of bottleneck links and non-bottleneck path links of the capillary routing. Thus all diverse values of flow carried by the links of the path (the load values of the bottleneck links and the non-bottleneck path links) must be included into the set P.


param minN{p in P} = max(M,if p=0 then 0 else floor(log10(DER/M)/log10(p)));

Starting the computation of the length of the FEC (Forward Error Correction) codeword maintaining, at a given random loss rate p, the probability of the decoding failure equal to DER. Details for computation of the FEC function are in 051026-fec-overhead.


Let M be the original number of the media packets per block and let N be the number of packets (including the redundant packets) actually transmitted in the block (). The probability of erasure of all packets in the transmitted block is . The probability of a failure of more than packets is more than  (see the figure below)


Binomial distribution for , ,


Therefore N at which  is equal to DER is too short as a length of the transmission block (if our objective is to have the decoding failure rate equal to DER). Thus  can play a role of the lower bound for the needed block length.

param maxN_probe{p in P, pr in 1..4} = minN[p]*2^pr;


param Binomial_probe{p in P, pr in 1..4} =

  if M>=2 then

    prod{i in 1..M-1}


      (maxN_probe[p,pr]-M+1+i)/i *






param maxN{p in P} = maxN_probe[p, min{pr in 1..4: Binomial_probe[p,pr]<=DER/M} pr];

For the role of the upper bound for the length of the codeword, we can take a value N at which the value of the binomial distribution , where  and , is lower than  (see the figure below).


Binomial distribution with , ,


We examine a few probe values for N which are two, four, etc, times longer the lower bound. The first value of N in this sequence for which  will be chosen as the upper bound for the length of the codeword. For the computation of binomial values we are using a fast function based on the product (see 051026-fec-overhead for more details).

set NN{p in P} = {minN[p]..maxN[p]};

Set NN contains all values of the length of the codeword (from the lower bound to the upper bound) that are to be examined

param Binomial1{p in P, Ntr in NN[p]}=

  if M>=2 then

    prod{i in 1..M-1}((Ntr-M+1+i)/i*p^((Ntr-M+1)/(M-1))*(1-p))



Parameter Binomial1 contains, for each N between the lower bound and the upper bound, the value of the binomial distribution at  (i.e. the probability of the loss of  packets).

param pbyq{p in P} = p/(1-p);


param Binomial{p in P, Ntr in NN[p], n in Ntr-M+1..Ntr} =

  if n=Ntr-M+1





For each n between  and N we compute the values of the binomial distribution (i.e. the probability of loss of  packets, the probability of loss of  packets, etc). See 051026-fec-overhead for more details.

param Failure{p in P, Ntr in NN[p]} = sum{i in Ntr-M+1..Ntr}Binomial[p,Ntr,i];

The probability of a failure in decoding of a codeword of the length N is the sum of the probabilities of  packet losses,  packet losses … and N packet losses.

param goodN{p in P} = min{Ntr in NN[p]: Failure[p,Ntr]<=DER} Ntr;

The number of packets in the codeword is computed as the minimal length at which the decoding failure probability is still less than DER.

param FEC{p in P} =

 if goodN[p]-1 in NN[p] and Failure[p,goodN[p]-1]>DER


     goodN[p]-1 +

       (log(Failure[p,goodN[p]-1]) - log(DER)) /

       (log(Failure[p,goodN[p]-1]) - log(Failure[p,goodN[p]]))

   else goodN[p];

Parameter FEC contains the interpolated smooth (non-integer) values of the length of the codeword. The non-integer FEC is computed using the failure value at N (at which the failure is lower than DER), the failure value at  (at which the failure probability is already higher than DER) and the value of DER. The interpolation is logarithmic (see the reason in Section V of 051026-fec-overhead).


#param FEC{p in P} = M + if p=0 then 0 else log(DER/M)/log(p);

End of pre-computing of the function FEC.

Coarse approximation of FEC (commented). See Section VI of 051026-fec-overhead for comparison of the coarse approximation with the true FEC function.

param ARN{tc in TC, p in P} =

  if p<=tc





Parameter ARN (Adaptive Redundancy Need) is the amount (in percentage) of additional redundancy to be transmitted by the sender in order to recover p percent losses observed at the receiver. Parameter ARN is indexed by various media tolerance values (from the set TC). If the media stream is already equipped with a tolerance t, we assume then that for every initial chunk of M media packets sender actually transmits into the network  packets. Thus for protecting media against  percent losses (observed and signaled by the receiver), the sender must transmit a data overhead more by  or it must increase its transmission rate by  percent.

param benchmark_start;

param benchmark_stop;

param benchmark_info symbolic;

param logrec symbolic =

  sprintf("%s, %s, %s, done in %f seconds",

    ver,sub(ctime(),"^ *[^ ]* *",""),benchmark_info,benchmark_stop-benchmark_start);

param logfile symbolic = "aron.log";

The parameters for recording the benchmarking information.

param aron_b{tc in TC, t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} =

  (if l >=2 then aron_b[tc,t,l-1]) +

  if incrabs[t,l]>1


      bottlnum[t,l] * ARN[tc,1/incrabs[t,l]];

ARON stands from the Adaptive Redundancy Overall Need, i.e. it is an aggregate need of redundancy in case of sequential (non-simultaneous) failures of every link on the path of the flow. ARON is the measure of the efficiency of a routing toward network failures. The parameter aron_b stores the portion of ARON contributed by the bottleneck links. This parameter is indexed by a set of various media tolerances, by the timeframe and by this timeframe’s capillary routing layers. Parameter aron_b is computed recursively: at the layer l its value is equal to the sum of its value at the previous layer  and the value of ARN for a single bottleneck at the current layer l multiplied by the number of bottlenecks at the current layer l. Whenever incrabs value is equal to 1 (at the first layer when the flow contains a critical link carrying the entire traffic) the computation of ARON is skipped. In such cases the value of ARON would be infinite and there is no-routing that could improve it. Removal of such a component in ARON would changes nothing (even if not infinite) in the comparison of performances of two different routings.

param aron_p{tc in TC, t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} =

  sum{(i,j) in PATH[t,l] diff BOTTLENECKS[t,l]: incrabs[t,l]>1}


Parameter aron_p contains the portion of ARON contributed by path’s non-bottleneck links. Layers for which incrabs is equal to 1, i.e. when flow contains critical links, are skipped in computation.

param aron{tc in TC, t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} =

  aron_b[tc,t,l] + aron_p[tc,t,l];

Finally the measure ARON for (i) a media stream equipped with a certain tolerance to random losses and (ii) following a capillary routing of a given timeframe and layer is the sum of the portion of ARON contributed by bottleneck links and the portion of ARON contributed by non-bottleneck path links. For layers whose bottlenecks are critical links carrying the entire flow, the ARON is set to zero. In the layers, successive to such layer, ARON is computed as if the critical links are removed from the network.

param shift{t in 1..T} = if pump[t,1]<=1 then 1 else 0;

Parameter shift is set to 1 if the timeframe has a critical primary bottleneck or if there is no flow possible.

param chunk = (T + chunks-1) div chunks;

Parameter chunk contains the number of timeframes per chunk.

set FRAMES{i in 1..chunks} = {t in (i-1)*chunk+1..min(i*chunk,T): 1+shift[t] in 1..layers[t]};

Set FRAMES is indexed by chunks and contains all valid timeframes to be comprised within each chunk. Timeframes having no feasible flow or having only one layer consisting of only single (critical) path are removed from the chunks.

param frames{i in 1..chunks} = card(FRAMES[i]);

Parameter frames contains the number of valid timeframes in each chunk.

set CHUNKS = {i in 1..chunks: frames[i]>=1};

Set CHUNKS comprises of only those chunks, which contain at least one valid timeframe.

param maxlayers{i in CHUNKS} = max{t in FRAMES[i]} (layers[t] - shift[t]);

Parameter maxlayers indexed by the elements of the set CHUNKS contains the maximal number of layers for the timeframes of the chunk. If the first layer of a timeframe must not be used, its layers are shifted down by one (the last layer is then duplicated).

#average ARON per frame

param afaron{tc in TC, i in CHUNKS, l in 1..maxlayers[i]} =

  1/frames[i] * sum{t in FRAMES[i]} aron[tc,t,min(l+shift[t],layers[t])];

The average ARON for a given fixed layer, over all timeframes of a chunk is stored in the parameter afaron. If the first layer of one of the timeframes is not usable, all its layers are shifted down by one. If a timeframe of the chunk does not have the layer, that is being averaged, always the last layer of the timeframe will be used.

#param links{t in 1..T} =

#  card(PATH[t,layers[t]]) + sum{l in 1..layers[t]-1} card(BOTTLENECKS[t,l]);


#param layerlinks1{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} = if pump[t,l] > 1 then

#  card(PATH[t,l]) + sum{ll in 1..l-1: pump[t,ll]>1} card(BOTTLENECKS[t,ll]);

#param layerlinks{t in 1..T, l in 1..layers[t]} =

# layerlinks1[t,min(l+shift[t],layers[t])];

#param alaron{tc in TC, i in CHUNKS, l in 1..maxlayers[i]} =

#  (1/sum{t in FRAMES[i]} layerlinks[t,if l <= layers[t] then l else layers[t]]) *

#    sum{t in FRAMES[i]} aron[tc,t,min(l+shift[t],layers[t])];


param dir symbolic;

param file symbolic = dir & "/aron.csv";


let dir := sprintf("%s-aron",ver);

shell ("rmdir /s /q " & dir);

shell ("mkdir " & dir);

shell ("del /q " & dir & "\*");

shell ("copy " & ver & "*.txt " & dir);

shell ("copy config.txt " & dir);

shell ("copy aron-config.txt " & dir);

Creating an empty folder, prefixed with the version number, copying there all text files related with the current version, the capillary builder’s configuration file, and the ARON calculator’s configuration file.

let benchmark_info := "ARON";

let benchmark_start := _ampl_time;

print "Benchmarking ",benchmark_info," ...";

Starting the benchmarking of the computation performance

for{tc in TC}


  printf ",t=%s",

    round(tc,if tc>0 then max( round(-log(tc)/log(10))+1 ,3))

      > (file);


printf "\n" > (file);

Printing the header of the table

for{i in CHUNKS}


  for{l in 1..min(10,maxlayers[i])}


    printf "layer%d",l > (file);

    for{tc in TC}


      printf ",%f", afaron[tc,i,l] > (file);


    printf "\n" > (file);


  printf "\n" > (file);


close (file);

Printing the table containing for each chunk’s layer the average ARON value over all timeframes of the chunk.

let benchmark_stop := _ampl_time;

reset data logrec;

print logrec;

print logrec >> (logfile);

close (logfile);

End of the benchmarking; recording the results of the benchmarking into a log file.


*   *   *