Switzernet VoIP téléphonie IP Suisse позвоните по всему миру за бесценок из Швейцарии: бесплатные звонки в Швейцарию, Германию, Великобританию, Соединенные Штаты.




Get the phone's IP address
Configure your phone with your VoIP Switzernet account

Get the phone's IP address

The phone's configuration is carried out through its web interface, so you can set up the configuration from your computer. To access the web interface you need to know the phone's local IP address. You can get it scrolling through the phone's menu:

Press and hold the "Sysinfo" button.

UTT-900B Sysinfo Button

You will see the following info on the phone's display:
  • Gateway IP address (usually:
  • Your phone number (if it is first time configuration it will be displayed NULL instead the phone number
  • Your phone IP address (usually it looks like: 192.168.1.xxx)

For example, our phone has this IP address:

Once we have the phone's IP address, open a Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) on your computer and type the phone's IP address in the Web broser. In our case:

UTT-900B Web Interface

Press "Enter" in your keyboard to load the login menu.

UTT-900B Login

Type the user (by default "admin") password (by default "admin"), and click on "Logon" button.

Configure your phone with your VoIP Switzernet account

On the "BASIC" menu, click on the "Wizard" tab.

UTT-900B Status

Now you are on the "Wizard" menu configurations that will help you to configure your Switzernet account easily. First step is to select the DHCP MODE option and click on "NEXT" button to go forward in the "Wizard" menu.

UTT-900B DHCP Mode

Set up your Switzernet account VoIP parameters. Server's name ("sip.youroute.net") maybe be different in your configuration settings. Use the server's name that we have provided you in the settings account paper. Click on "NEXT" button to continue with the configuartion.

UTT-900B Switzernet Account

Check that all the parameters that appear on the resume screen are "Ok" and click on "FINISH" button.

UTT-900B Resume Screen

Wait until the phone finish the reboot and click on "Return" button to come back to the confguration menu.

UTT-900B Return

Click on "NETWORK" menu and go to "SNTP" tab.

UTT-900B Network Menu

Change the "SNTP Server" and select your "Time Zone". Click on "APPLY" button.

UTT-900B SNTP Options

Now change to "PHONE" menu and configure the "DSP" parameters. Click on "APPLY" button.

UTT-900B DSP Options

Finally, go to "LOGOUT" menu and click on "Logout" button to finish the configuration session.

UTT-900B Logout
